Kelly Sashimi
Signature BB Floatex · Balloon Artist

Privacy Policy

By using this website, (the “”), you are knowingly and willingly agreeing to be bound by this Privacy Policy and understand that these terms of use shall constitute a binding and enforceable contract between you and KELLY SASHIMI.

We have taken measures to ensure that your online experience with us is safe and secure. This privacy policy (“Policy”) details the information gathering and sharing practices for KELLY SASHIMI. Your access and use of the Website indicates your acceptance of this Policy. KELLY SASHIMI may change this Policy from time to time, so we encourage you to review our Policy whenever you use the Website to make sure you understand how your information will be used. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to the Policy will signify your acceptance of the then current Policy. The Policy will include the date we last updated the Policy.
If KELLY SASHIMI intends to disclose user information provided by users and/or partners to third parties in a manner that is not already outlined in this Policy, KELLY SASHIMI will so amend this Policy and provide you with an opportunity to opt out of any further use or disclosure of such information.

Collection of Information
The Website does not track, collect, or distribute personal information about visitors (such as name, address, email address, telephone number, or any other information that might reasonably be used to identify visitors personally), except when specifically and knowingly provided by you. In the latter case, subject to any applicable local laws, we may use your personal information to market products and services we believe might be of interest to you.
In general, the Website gathers some generic information automatically. Generic information does NOT reveal your identity. It includes, but is not limited to, information about the Internet Protocol address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors and the Web pages visited (“Non-Personally Identifiable Information”). This is accomplished by using certain technologies, including “cookies.” Cookies are pieces of information transferred to your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. The use of cookies is an industry standard and is used by most major websites to provide the visitor with tailored information.
You can choose not to accept the cookie by adjusting your browser settings but, if you choose to do so, all parts of the Website might not function properly.
KELLY SASHIMI will only collect personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, or any other information that might reasonably be used to identify visitors personally (“Personally Identifiable Information”), when such information is provided to us in an email, on a form, in online survey or in any other manner when this information is intentionally transmitted to KELLY SASHIMI by you.

KELLY SASHIMI may share the Non-Personally Identifiable Information we collect with our affiliates and other third parties.
KELLY SASHIMI will not sell or distribute Personally Identifiable Information to third parties. If you have voluntarily submitted Personally Identifiable Information to us, KELLY SASHIMI will maintain the security of your Personally Identifiable Information by ensuring the information is only distributed
within KELLY SASHIMI. This enables us to respond to your request about a product or service. If you subscribe to an e-mail list, you will be given instructions on how to remove yourself from that list.
Within KELLY SASHIMI, your Personally Identifiable Information will be transmitted and stored in a protected environment. We undertake to take all commercially reasonable steps in order not to allow your Personally Identifiable Information to be seen by any third parties other than those that have been engaged by KELLY SASHIMI to provide services to you. We will only disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to other third parties if compelled to do so for legal or regulatory purposes.

Third Party Links
The Website may provide links to other third party websites. Even if the third party is affiliated with KELLY SASHIMI through a business partnership or otherwise, KELLY SASHIMI is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices or the content of such external links. These links are provided to you for convenience purposes only, and you access them at your own risk.
If you have any questions about this Policy, the practices of this Website, or your interest in dealings with the Website, please do not hesitate to contact us.

By using this website, “”), you are knowingly and willingly agreeing to be bound by this Privacy Policy and understand that these terms of use shall constitute a binding and enforceable contract between you and KELLY SASHIMI.

We have taken measures to ensure that your online experience with us is safe and secure. This privacy policy (“Policy”) details the information gathering and sharing practices for KELLY SASHIMI. Your access and use of the Website indicates your acceptance of this Policy. KELLY SASHIMI may change this Policy from time to time, so we encourage you to review our Policy whenever you use the Website to make sure you understand how your information will be used. Your continued use of the Website following the posting of changes to the Policy will signify your acceptance of the then current Policy. The Policy will include the date we last updated the Policy.

If KELLY SASHIMI intends to disclose user information provided by users and/or partners to third parties in a manner that is not already outlined in this Policy, KELLY SASHIMI will so amend this Policy and provide you with an opportunity to opt out of any further use or disclosure of such information.

Collection of Information
The Website does not track, collect, or distribute personal information about visitors (such as name, address, email address, telephone number, or any other information that might reasonably be used to identify visitors personally), except when specifically and knowingly provided by you. In the latter case, subject to any applicable local laws, we may use your personal information to market products and services we believe might be of interest to you.
In general, the Website gathers some generic information automatically. Generic information does NOT reveal your identity. It includes, but is not limited to, information about the Internet Protocol address assigned to your computer, the number and frequency of visitors and the Web pages visited (“Non-Personally Identifiable Information”). This is accomplished by using certain technologies, including “cookies.” Cookies are pieces of information transferred to your hard drive for record-keeping purposes. The use of cookies is an industry standard and is used by most major websites to provide the visitor with tailored information.
You can choose not to accept the cookie by adjusting your browser settings but, if you choose to do so, all parts of the Website might not function properly.
KELLY SASHIMI will only collect personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, or any other information that might reasonably be used to identify visitors personally (“Personally Identifiable Information”), when such information is provided to us in an email, on a form, in online survey or in any other manner when this information is intentionally transmitted to KELLY SASHIMI by you.

KELLY SASHIMI may share the Non-Personally Identifiable Information we collect with our affiliates and other third parties.
KELLY SASHIMI will not sell or distribute Personally Identifiable Information to third parties. If you have voluntarily submitted Personally Identifiable Information to us, KELLY SASHIMI will maintain the security of your Personally Identifiable Information by ensuring the information is only distributed
within KELLY SASHIMI. This enables us to respond to your request about a product or service. If you subscribe to an e-mail list, you will be given instructions on how to remove yourself from that list.
Within KELLY SASHIMI, your Personally Identifiable Information will be transmitted and stored in a protected environment. We undertake to take all commercially reasonable steps in order not to allow your Personally Identifiable Information to be seen by any third parties other than those that have been engaged by KELLY SASHIMI to provide services to you. We will only disclose your Personally Identifiable Information to other third parties if compelled to do so for legal or regulatory purposes.

Third Party Links
The Website may provide links to other third party websites. Even if the third party is affiliated with KELLY SASHIMI through a business partnership or otherwise, KELLY SASHIMI is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices or the content of such external links. These links are provided to you for convenience purposes only, and you access them at your own risk.
If you have any questions about this Policy, the practices of this Website, or your interest in dealings with the Website, please do not hesitate to contact us.