Kelly Sashimi
Signature BB Floatex · Balloon Artist

Signature BB Floatex

Kelly Sashimi is the originator of BB Floatex, she has been creating many characters from big floating balloon since year 2015.

The name inspired by BB for Big Balloon & Floatex for Floating Latex.

The signature style of oversized floating balloon design that everyone all over the worlds is duplicating now. Her signature brings her to countries for balloon teaching in USA, Germany, China and Malaysia.

Kelly Sashimi is the originator of BB Floatex, she has been creating many characters from big floating balloon since year 2015.

The name inspired by BB for Big Balloon & Floatex for Floating Latex.

The signature style of oversized floating balloon design that everyone all over the worlds is duplicating now. Her signature brings her to countries for balloon teaching in USA, Germany, China and Malaysia.